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Réalités Industrielles ; : 26-31,108, 2023.
Article Dans Français | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2322669


L'industrie automobile est dans une tourmente, conjoncturelle, tout d'abord, avec un marché profondément affecté par le Covid, des pénuries de matériaux et composants et des clients désorientés ;structurelle, ensuite, avec la transition â marche forcée vers l'électrification. Cette double crise est a haut risque pour l'industrie automobile, mais l'alignement de l'action de l'ensemble des parties prenantes devrait permettre â la filiere française de rester dans la course pour l'automobile du futur.

Réalités Industrielles ; : 4-6,104, 2023.
Article Dans Français | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2322405


L'industrie automobile est a la croisée des chemins, car elle est soumise a une conjonction d'externalités d'une ampleur et d'une intensité rarement vues : absorption de toutes les crises récentes, celles du Covid et des semi-conducteurs, mais aussi celle de la hausse des prix de l'énergie. C'est celui de parvenir å intégrer ces techniques afin de parvenir a réinventer l'automobile de demain, une automobile connectée, robotisée et traitant automatiquement de grands volumes de données afin de progresser en intelligence, et de mettre celle-ci au service de l'humain, pour un usage réinventé de l'automobile et pour instaurer un systéme de mobilité plus durable. Il appelle ainsi a mieux cibler l'accompagnement des fournisseurs pour faire émerger une nouvelle génération d'ETI et aussi l'apparition de grands équipementiers leaders dans le monde de l'électrique, de l'hydrogene et, plus globalement, de l'automobile de demain. Il demande aussi que l'Europe se donne du temps pour s'adapter a la transition en protégeant temporairement, a l'instar des États-Unis, son marché intérieur.

Réalités Industrielles ; : 99-102,104, 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2322404


[...]the vehicle of the future must be considered within the broader framework of the mobility of the future, taking into account the entire value chain. Transforming our future into a sustainable future: planning for the automotive transition Didier Sepulchre de Condé, Mechanical industry The automotive industry is in turmoil, firstly because of the economic situation, with a market deeply affected by Covid, shortages of materials and components and disoriented customers;and secondly because of the structural situation, with the forced transition to electrification. The four paradoxes of the ecological transition of the European car industry Alois Kirchner, Former Director of Cabinet of the Minister for Industry The energy transition in the automotive sector is essential for achieving French and European climate objectives. [...]the actions implemented come up against four paradoxes, which must be overcome if this transition is to succeed: * the regulation on the reduction of CO2 emissions from the tank to the wheel, to the exclusion of other sources which now represent the majority of emissions from new vehicles;* the steering of vehicle traffic restrictions based on Crit'air stickers, leading to the prohibition of access to certain cities for vehicles that are more virtuous than others that are still allowed to enter;* the inability to implement policies to support the production of vehicles on European soil that are sufficiently powerful to halt the fall in associated jobs;a situation that benefits production sites that are not subject to the same environmental standards;* and the rising price of "green" vehicles, leading to a slowdown in the renewal of the fleet and the maintenance of a high level of pollution and carbon emissions.

Minerals ; 13(4):479, 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2302698


The recovery of materials and energy from end-of-life products is increasingly a fundamental factor in the sustainable development of various countries. Recovering metals from different types of waste is not only a practice in support of the environment, but is also a profitable economic activity. For this reason, exhausted automotive catalysts can become renewable sources of critical raw materials such as Pt, Pd, and Rh. However, recovering Pt and Pd from spent catalysts through an efficient, economical, and green method remains a challenge. This article presents a new leaching process for the hydrometallurgical recovery of Pt and Pd from exhausted automotive catalysts. The leaching solution consists of an aqueous mixture of hydrochloric acid, two organic acids (citric acid and acetic acid) and hydrogen peroxide. A complete factorial plan on two levels (2k) was performed in order to evaluate the main effects of the analyzed factors and their interactions. The factors that were presumed to be the most influential on the leaching of Pt and Pd were the concentrations of the different reagents and the reaction time. The optimal circumstances for achieving the largest recovery (over 80% Pt and 100% Pd) were achieved using the following conditions: a concentration of HCl of 5 M, a concentration of H2O2 of 10% wt./vol., a concentration of C2H4O2 of 10%vol./vol., and a reaction time of 3 h.

Minerals ; 13(4):505, 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2294950


Stoneware is a ceramic material with low porosity and high mechanical properties, such as the modulus of rupture. It is essentially made of clay, feldspar and quartz and is sintered to create a mixture of glass and crystalline phases. With the projected growth rate of the global ceramics market size and the country's development plan for 2023–2028, it is imperative that alternative raw materials for the manufacture of ceramic products be sourced so that the importation of these materials, such as feldspar, be minimized, if not eliminated. Cinder in the Philippines is mainly used as a filling material in pavements and residential areas. In this study, this resource is utilized as partial and full replacement of feldspar in a typical ternary diagram for stoneware production. Bars were formed from different formulations by the slip casting method and were sintered at 1200 °C. Physical and mechanical properties of the bars, such as shrinkage, loss on ignition, water absorption, apparent porosity and modulus of rupture were determined. Thermo-physical analyses were also carried out on the raw materials and on formulated powders. Meeting the requirements of the various quality standards for ceramics, the partial replacement of feldspar with black cinder (LF, LFBQ and LFBH) is feasible for wall and roof applications while full replacement of feldspar with black cinder (LB) is suitable for wider use as wall, floor, vitrified, industrial and roof tiles.

American Mineralogist ; 105(9):1285-1296, 2020.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2089553


My geologic research began at Carleton College. I studied heavy minerals in some midcontinent orthoquartzites, publishing my very first paper in American Mineralogist in 1954. As a master’s candidate at the University of Minnesota, I investigated igneous differentiation in a diabase-granophyre sill of the Duluth Gabbro Complex. Later, in a Ph.D. program at Johns Hopkins University, I became Joe Boyd’s apprentice at the Geophysical Laboratory (GL), and for a time was phase-equilibrium god of the Na-amphiboles. Doctoral research earned me an offer of a UCLA assistant professorship as a mineralogist in 1960. There, I continued pursuing amphibole P-T stability relations in lab and field. My glaucophane phase equilibrium research would later be found to have instead crystallized Na-magnesiorichterite. However, amphibole research led me to map field occurrences of HP-LT (high P-low T) blueschists of the Franciscan Complex. Thus, when plate tectonics emerged in the late 1960s, I was deep in the subduction zone. My recent studies focused on the petrology and geochemistry of oceanic crustal rocks, Californian calc-alkaline arcs, and coesite ± microdiamond-bearing crustal margin rocks in various parts of Eurasia. Other works treated global mineral resources and population, mineralogy and human health, and early Earth petrotectonic evolution. I tried to work on important problems, but mainly studied topics that fired my interest. For the future, I see the existential challenge facing humanity and the biosphere as the imperative to stop our overdrafting of mineral resources. This will require reaching a dynamic equilibrium between the use and replenishment of near-surface resources (i.e., nutrients) essential for life. Earth scientists are planetary stewards, so we must lead the way forward in life-supporting mineral usage, recycling, substitution, and dematerialization. In any event, sustainable development will soon return to the Earth’s Critical Zone of life because Mother Nature—the ruling terrestrial economist—abhors long-term overdrafting of resourcesRecently, a series of profound calamities have overwhelmed the World—the coronavirus pandemic, disruption of the global economy, and near-universal condemnation of the widespread, systemic abrogation of human rights/racial justice. Comparable challenges have emerged episodically ever since the rise of civilization. Such problems have been addressed over the millennia with varying degrees of success. However, human efforts have never achieved dynamic environmental equilibrium between consumption of Earth resources and rates of recharge. Sustainable development remains our long-term, existential threat..

Natsional'nyi Hirnychyi Universytet. Naukovyi Visnyk ; - (4):170-175, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2026600


Мета. Визначити Ñ€/вень каузальности шновацшних процес/в розширення пг-економшного простору й социально!, економ/чно! та еколог/чно! захищеносл видобувно! галузi Украши в умовах зм/ни системи технолопчних уклад/в, спричинено! появою ново!' безпеково! структурно-функцiональноî Post-Covid компоненти. Запропонувати типовi сценарп сталого розвитку вттчизняно! г/гекономiки економiки в контекстi вдосконалення безпеково'! поллики у видобувнш галузi. Методика. Для досягнення зазначено! мети використане сценарне планування, Дельфi, SMART, SWOT-аналiз i математичн/ методи - економетричний i град/ентний аналiз досл/дження, що уможливлюють визначення скалярних величин i напрям/в екстремальних iнновацiйних змiн функций гiг-економiки в контекстi сталого розвитку видобувно! промисловостi Укра!ни. Розрахунки проводилися на основi програмного пакету SPSS Data Analysis Software. Результата. У робот/ системно проанал/зоваш ключовi безпековi показники науково-технiчного прогресу в контекстi сталого розвитку видобувно! галузi та встановлено взаемно однозначний зв>язок iснуючих соц/альноеконом/чних економ/чних явищ та гiг-економiчних процесiв, що в останш роки асиметрично актив/зувалися п!д впливом Post-Covid наслiдкiв. Окреслена безпекова специфiка тактичного й стратегшного управлiння гiг-економiкою. Наукова новизна. Запропоновано методичний шдхщ щодо юльюсного та як/сного визначення безпекових градiентiв розвитку видобувного господарства, що уможливлюе врахування трансформацшних Post-Covid насладив, а також диверсифiкуе тактичне та стратепчне управлiння. Зокрема, пропонуеться використати шновацшну цифрову платформу CENSIE - «Central European Network for Sustainable and Innovative Economy». Практична значимадть. Використання запропонованого подходу сприятиме падвищенню ефективносл стратег/чного й тактичного управл/ння кадровою политикою у видобувнш галуз/ в умовах формування пг-економ/ки, а також синхрон/зуе часов/ та просторов/ параметри, падвищуючи адресшсть управл/нських Ñ€/шень. Запропоновано впровадження специально!' дистанцшно! платформи «ВидобуванняФраданс» для надання фраданс-послуг домогосподарствам, Ñ„/зичним особам-падприемцям i шшим виробникам, яй будуть захищеш технологию Blockchain на баз/ юнуючо! прогами «ProZorro». При цьому Blockchain-технологи дозволять п/двищити роль профспшок, Ð¹ зможуть об'еднати пг-пращвнийв у едину систему та контролювати умови пращ, взявши на себе певн/ соцшльш зобов'язання.Alternate :Purpose. To evaluate causality of expanding the gig-economic space and the socioeconomic and ecological security of Ukraines mining industry in the context of the changing technological structures caused by the emergence of a new security structural and functional post Covid-19 component. To propose typical scenarios for sustainable development of the gig-economy in the context of improving security policy of Ukraines mining industry. Methodology. To achieve this goal, a scenario planning, Delphi, SMART, SWOT analysis and mathematical research methods - econometric and gradient analysis, were used to determine the scalar values and directions of extreme innovative changes in the gig economy in the context of sustainable development of mining industry in Ukraine. The calculations were carried out using the SPSS Data Analysis Software. Findings. The work systematically analyzes key safety indicators of scientific-technological progress for sustainable development of the mining industry and establishes a one-to-one relationship between existing socio-economic phenomena and gigeconomic processes, which in recent years have been asymmetrically activated under the influence of the post Covid-2019. The security specifics of tactical and strategic management of the gig-economy are outlined. Originality. A methodological approach to the quantitative and qualitative determination of the safety gradients of the development of the mining industry enables the consideration of transformational Post-Covid consequences, as well as diversifies tactical and strategic management. In particular, it isproposed to use an innovative digital platform CENSIE - Central European Network for Sustainable and Innovative Economy. Practical value. A proposed approach would facilitate to improve the efficiency of strategic and tactical management of personnel policy of the mining industry in the context of the formation of a gig-economy, as well as synchronize time and space parameters, increasing the targeting of management decisions. It was proposed to introduce a special remote platform MiningFreelance to provide freelance services to households, family farms and other manufacturers which will be protected by the Blockchain registry based on existing ProZorro programs. At the same time, Blockchain technologies will increase the role of trade unions, which will be able to unite gig workers into a single system and control working conditions, taking on certain social obligations.

Natsional'nyi Hirnychyi Universytet. Naukovyi Visnyk ; - (4):91-95, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-2026599


Мета. Дати рекомендацп по вдосконаленню нормативно-правових актш щодо регулювання вщповщних правовщносин у сферi кримшалтци дшнь, пов'язаних İ3 порушенням законодавства про охорону пращ. Методика. Дослщження проблемних питань притягнення до вщповщальноста за порушення вимог законодавства про охорону пращ здшснювалося через вивчення та аналш: законодавчо! бази Украши;робта науковщв у вщповщних галузях;аналшу судово! практики (на прикладi аналiзу судово! практики за справами, розглянутими судами загально! юрисдикци Днiпропетровськоī областi та Верховним Судом за останш 3 роки) з питань притягнення осШ до кримшально! вiдповiдальностi за ч.ч. 1, 2 ст. 271 Кримшального кодексу Укра!ни «Порушення шення вимог законодавства про охорону пращ». Результата. Виявлеш окремi проблеми, що виникають при формуваннi кримiнально-правовоī практики притягнення до вщповщальноста осiб, обвинувачених у скоeннi кримiнальних правопорушень, пов'язаних и порушенням законодавства про працю, що призвело до спричинення шкоди здоров'ю працiвника або його загибелi, у тому чи

Réalités Industrielles ; : 71-74,115, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1989985


The OECD has long recognized the need to better understand how to reconcile the risks and benefits of data access and sharing to help governments reap the benefits of data-driven innovation. To guide policymaking, the OECD has produced over the last decade and a half a significant body of analytical work and legal instruments setting out principles and best practices to address sector-or domain-specific challenges in the governance of data. These Recommendations include: the Recommendation concerning Access to Research Data from Public Funding(2);the Recommendation for Enhanced Access and More Effective Use of Public Sector Information®;and the Recommendation on Health Data Governance®. In what appears to be the latest strong demonstration of its commitment to the issue, the OECD Council adopted in 2021, the Recommendation on Enhancing Access to and Sharing of Data (EASD Recommendation)®. Differently from the preceding ones, the EASD Recommendation provides an overarching set of principles and policy guidance to help governments reconcile potential risks and benefits and unlock the re-use of all types of data across and within sectors, jurisdictions, organisations, and communities. The aim of this paper is to put in context this significant body of work and set out the main policy issues addressed by these OECD Recommendations.

Réalités Industrielles ; : 63-66,106,115, 2022.
Article Dans Français | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1989808


L'usage des réseaux sociaux en santé connaÎt un essor permanent dans une société de plus en plus connectée. Ces plateformes sont devenues de véritables outils dans le parcours de vie des patients. De la recherche d'informations à la constitution de communautés, les réseaux sociaux s'imposent comme un élément permanent du « parcours de soins numérique » des patients et des parties prenantes en santé. Cette production spontanée de données de la vie réelle fait l'objet d'une multitude de recherches à des fins de santé publique. Mais à l'ère annoncée du Métavers, plusieurs questionnements éthiques et sociétaux se posent autour de l'exploitation de ces données sensibles.Alternate :The use of social networks in healthcare is constantly growing withinin an increasingly connected society. These platforms have become real tools in patients' pathways. From searching for information to building communities, social networks are becoming a permanent part of the "digital care pathway" for patients and healthcare stakeholders. This spontaneous generation of real-life data is the subject of multiple research projects for public health purposes. However, with the advent of the Metavers, several ethical and societal issues arise around the use of these sensitive data.

Réalités Industrielles ; : 10-14,104,109, 2022.
Article Dans Français | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1989287


La révolution numérique intervenue au cours des trente dernières années est à l'origine de très nombreuses mutations au plan économique et dans notre vie quotidienne. Internet qui en est le socle s'est bâti sur l'échange de données toujours plus importantes, mais surtout sur leur valorisation dans tous les champs : scientifique, sociétal, politique, artistique, ludique... L'information et la connaissance qu'elles rendent possibles constituent un actif qu'il s'agit aujourd'hui de protéger au regard de leur valeur intrinsèque, mais aussi des conséquences que peut induire, directement ou indirectement, leur utilisation. À l'image du numérique et comme toute autre innovation, l'émergence des données n'est pas neutre, représentant tour à tour un risque ou une opportunité, un remède ou un « poison ». La cybersécurité est une pratique et un champ industriel qui peuvent permettre de mesurer et de canaliser ces différentes alternatives, mais qu'il faut aussi appréhender sur le plan politique, au niveau national comme international, pour tenter d'en réguler les équilibres.Alternate :Digital revolution has induced massive economical transformations, since the last thirty years. Data exchange, thanks to the Internet has been cornerstone to this revolution, enhanced by their valuation in all domains: science, health, society, politics, arts, entertainment... Information and knowledge they produce become actual assets, to protect for their own value, as well as for consequences they can cause, directly or indirectly. Data emergence is not neutral, like other aspects of Digital and any innovation: as much a cure as a poison, they can lead to both risks and opportunities. Cybersecurity is a practice and an industrial sector that can allow gauging and marshalling such routes. In this context, political regulation and balances are needed, at both national and international.

Natsional'nyi Hirnychyi Universytet. Naukovyi Visnyk ; - (3):151-155, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1924977


Мета. Дослщити вплив цифровтци на розвиток промислових пщприемств. Методика. У дослщженш були використаш загальш та спещальш методи шзнання: системного анал/зу й синтезу, що дозволило розглянути вплив цифровтци на процеси та наступш затрати пщприемств;структурнофункцюнальний метод для дослщження й порiвняння об'емiв цифровтци та роботизаци;дедукцй', логiчних дослщжень, графiчний спосiб подачi iнформацľi для вь дображення значущих результатiв дослщження. Результаты. У процес/ досл1дження доведено, що цифровтцш е категорiею, бшьшою мiрою, стратег/чною, ною, нгж технолопчною. Розглянутi такi рiвнi цифровтци як оцифрування, цифровiзацiя, цифрова трансформацш. Запропоновано аналiз стану цифровтци, що в майбутньому може стати навИацшним iнструментом для практики при прийняттi рiшень з цифрових шновацш та цифрово! стратеги й пов'язувати ix з виявленими аспектами проблем i можливостей у р/зних галузях з рiзними умовами складношдв. Розглянуто метод нарощування переваг пщприемств, такий як робототехшка, та його взаемозв'язок i вплив на р/вень цифровтци. Наукова новизна. Проведено анал/з прояви цифровь заци пщприемств, що розглядаються за критершми зниження витрат, створення ново! вартост/ товари í надаваних послуг п/дприемствами. Запропоновано п/дприемствам ствам в умовах цифрового перед/лу ринк/в максимально застосовувати цифров/ /нструменти та /нвестувати в нововведення, що дозволить у майбутньому досягти ушкальност/ пропонованого серв/су чи продукту. Практична значимтсть. Результати дослщження можуть використовуватися економютами-науковцями та практиками для розвитку подальших перспектив застосування цифрових шструменти з метою розширення !х можливостей у галуз/ маркетингу, навчання та /нновац/й.Alternate :Purpose. To study the impact of digitalization on the development of industrial enterprises. Methodology. The study used general and special methods of cognition: system analysis and synthesis, which allowed considering the impact of digitalization on the processes and subsequent costs of enterprises;structural and functional method for research and comparison of digitization and robotics;deduction, logical research, graphical way of presenting information to display significant research results. Findings. The study proved that digitalization is a strategic category rather than a technological one. Such levels of digitization as digitizing, digitization, digital transformation are considered. An analysis of the state of digitalization is proposed, which in the future may become a navigation tool for practitioners in decision-making on digital innovation and digital strategy and provide an opportunity to relate t em to identified problems and opportunities in different industries with different challenges. The method of increasing the advantages of enterprises such as robotics and its relationship and impact on the level of digitalization is considered. Originality. An analysis of the manifestations of digitalization of enterprises, which are considered on the criteria of reducing costs, creating new value of goods and services provided by enterprises, is conducted. In the conditions of digital redistribution of markets, enterprises are offered to use digital tools as much as possible and to invest in innovations that will allow achieving uniqueness of the offered service or product in the future. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by economists, scientists and practitioners to develop further prospects for the use of digital tools to enhance their capabilities in marketing, training and innovation.

Natsional'nyi Hirnychyi Universytet. Naukovyi Visnyk ; - (3):125-130, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1924976


Мета. Шдвищення ефективност вантажних автомобшьних перевезень (ВАШ) в умовах прничодобувного пщприемства за рахунок розробки рекомендацш, спрямованих на пщвищення надшносн транспортного процесу. Методика. Для визначення факторщ впливу на надшнють ВАШ застосовано метод «Functional Resonance Analysis Method» (ада - метод «FRAM»), що базуеться на дослщженш функцш автомобшьного транспортного процесу перевезення вантажу, виходячи з шести рпних аспекта: час, контроль, вихщ, ресурс, передумови та вхщ. Результаты. Транспортний процес ВАШ в умовах прничодобувного пщприемства представлено за допомогою пяти основних функцш: подготовки ВАШ, подачi вантажного автомобщя пщ завантаження, завантаження вантажу, перевезення й розвантаження вантажу в мющ призначення. Для кожно! функцп транспортного процесу ВАШ визначено: ii мшливють, виходячи з показниив точност та своечасност виконання транспортно! операцп;фактори, що впливають на надшнють транспортного процесу - професшний досвщ водш, адмшь стративний контроль, час виконання транспортно! операцп, складнють транспортно! операцп, ергономша робочого мюця, навантаження та стрес, ршень пщтримки кершництва, яи можуть попршити кшцевий результат - доставки вантажу до мюця розвантаження. Встановлено, що найменша надшнють функцп транспортного процесу ВАШ - це подготовка та транспортування вантажу до мюця призначення, що повязано зi значною !х мшливютю й варшбельнютю, великою кшькютю виробничих завдань i високими змшними нормативами транспортно! роботи. Запропоновано для пщвищення надшносн ВАШ в умовах прничодобувного пщприемства та зменшення ймовфносн вщмов при виконанш транспортно! роботи посилити контроль за психофшологiчним станом водiя. Наукова новизна. Шолягае у встановленi взаемозвязку мож функцiями й факторами транспортного процесу ВАШ в умовах прничодобувного пщприемства, що дозволяе провести оцшку ршня надiйностi виконання поставленого завдання у визначений термш. Практична значимють. Шолягае в кщькюнш оцiнцi впливу факторiв транспортного процесу на надшнють ВАШ в умовах прничодобувного пщприемства.Alternate :Purpose. Improving the efficiency of trucking (TR) in the conditions of a mining enterprise by means of developing recommendations aimed at enhancing reliability of the transport process. Methodology. To determine the factors influencing the reliability of TR the Functional Resonance Analysis ethod (hereinafter - FRAM) was used, which is based on the study on the functions of freight automobile transportation process with respect to six different aspects: time, control, output, resource, prerequisites, and entrance. Findings. The transport process of TR in the conditions of a mining enterprise is represented by five main functions: preparation of TR, supply of the truck for loading, loading of cargo, transportation and unloading of cargo at the destination point. For each function of the transport process TR we determined its variability as based on the accuracy and timeliness of the transport operation;identified factors that affect the reliability of the transport process, namely driver experience, administrative control, time of the transport operation, complexity of the transport operation, workplace ergonomics, workload and stress, the level of management support that may worsen the final result of goods delivery to the point of unloading. It is determined that preparation and transportation of cargo to the destination point is the least reliable function of TR transport process. This is due to the significant changeability and variability, a large number of production tasks and high variable standards of transport work. It is proposed to strengthen the control over the psychophysiological condition of the driver in order to improve the reliability of TR in the conditions of a mining enterprise and to reduce the probability of failures during the performance of transportation work. Originality. It consists in establishing the relationship between the functions and factors of the transport process of TR in the conditions of a mining enterprise, which allows assessment of the reliability level of the task in a timely manner. Practical value. It consists in a quantitative assessment of the impact of transportation process factors on the reliability of TR in the conditions of a mining enterprise.

Natsional'nyi Hirnychyi Universytet. Naukovyi Visnyk ; - (2):148-153, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1836538


Purpose. To determine the essence, main possibilities and demonstrate the main capabilities of the educational, research and production complex as a way of modernizing the market of educational services in accordance with the innovative model of development. To describe organizational and pedagogical conditions for coordination of the scientific, educational, innovative and technological potential of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Educational Consortium (USEC) founding members. Methodology. A systematic analysis of literature and normative documents has been carried out. Various practices of cooperation between educational establishments and enterprises, scientific institutions and production facilities in the world have been investigated. The data were collected during the internship at the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Educational Consortium with the use of individual and group interviews, surveys and teaching and administrative activities experience. Findings. Transformation of educational systems, aimed at meeting the present-day needs of stakeholders and personal needs of luture professionals, is achieved by using, along with theoretical training, the resources of the research farms and enterprises integrating their benefits in the system of professional development of young people. The technology effectiveness is achieved through creation of the innovative structure of educational programs of all levels and the research and teaching staff professional development system in the Consortium. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for coordination of the scientific, educational, innovative and technological potential of the USEC founding members are suggested. Originality. Cooperation between labor market and professional education caused by the need to modernize and optimize higher education institutions in Ukraine is expected to be effective in the environment of educational-research-industrial complexes subject to the defined organizational and pedagogical conditions. Practical value. Prospects for the implementation of educational programs within the research and educational consortia are outlined. The described organizational and pedagogical conditions contribute to the integration of educational programs, professional standards and professional formation of students.Alternate :Мета. Визначити сутшсть, основщ можливосл та продемонструвати резерви навчально-науково-виробничого чого комплексу як способу модершзаци ринку освишх послуг в шновацшнш моделi розвитку. Описати оргашзацшно-педагопчщ умови координаций наукового, навчального, шновацшного й технолопчного потенщалу колективш-засновниюв ННВК «Всеукра!нський науково-навчальний консорщум» (ННВК). Методика. Здшснено системний анали лиератури, нормативних документiв. Розглянуп Ñ€iзнi практики спiвпрацi навчальних закладш i п!дприемств, наукових iнституцiй i виробничих об'екпв у свiÑ‚i. Даш були зШраш п!д час стажування у ННВК «Всеукра!нський науковонавчальний консорщум» на пщгрунл iндивiдуальних i групових штерв'ÑŽ, опитувань i досвщу викладацько'1 та адмiнiстративноî дiяльностi. Результата. Трансформацш освiтнiÑ… систем задля в1дповiдностi повiдностi сучасним запитам стейкхолдерiв та особистюним потребам майбутнього професюнала досягаеться шляхом використання в системi Ð¿Ñ Ð¾Ñ„ÐµÑiйного становлення молодi ресурсш науково-досл1дних господарств, шдприемств, одночасно ú теоретичним навчанням, штегруючи в собi îхнi переваги. Результатившсть технолог!! досягаеться за допомогою створення шновацшно! структури освишх програм уих ршшв i системи пщвищення квалiÑ„iкацľí науково-педагогiчних пращвниюв у КонсоршумТ Запропонованi оргашзацшно-педагопчщ умови координаций наукового, навчального, шновацшного й технолопчного потенщалу колективш-засновниюв ННВК. Наукова новизна. Спричинене необхщшстю модершзаци та оптимтци закладш вищо! освии Укра!ни, сшвробиництво ринку прац! та професшно! освии буде ефективним в умовах навчально-науково-виробничих комплексiв за дотримання окреслених оргашзацшно-педагогiчних дагогiчних умов. Практична значимшть. Окресленi перспективи реаль заци освишх програм у межах науково-навчальних консоршумш. Описанi органiзацiйно-педагогiчнi умови сприяють iнтеграцľ! освишх програм, професшних стандартiв i становленню студентш як професiоналiв.

Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu ; - (2):67-72, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1836537


Мета. Урахування фактору випадковосл сощальних процесш при прогнозуванш попиту на електричну енерпю для зменшення похибки. Методика. Апарат математично! статистики, методш лшшного програмування, теорп нечггких множин i методiв експертного оцшювання, теорй' шкал, Байесовський п1дх1д до моделей прогнозування, комп'ютерне моделювання. Результаты. Проаналiзована динамiка споживання електрично! енергп за рiзнi перiоди часу, встановлено вплив фактору пандемп на процес формування попиту на електричну енерпю. Розроблена вербально-числова шкала для комплексного оцшювання впливу на попит на електричну енерпю такого складного сощального явища, як пандемш. Сформована модель прогнозування попиту на електричну енерпю з використанням Байесовського подходу та ощнки експерта, що дозволила використати ретроспективш данi споживання електрично! енергп та врахувати невизначенiсть соцiального фактору впливу пандемп. Наукова новизна. Набула подальшого розвитку модель прогнозування попиту на електричну енерпю, яка, на вщмшу в1д iнших, ураховуе фактор випадковостi соцiальних процеив i вербально-числову шкалу, що дозволяе зменшити похибку прогнозування споживання електрично! енергп. Практична значимтсть. Результата дослщження кориснi для пщприемств, що спецiалiзуються на генерацй', передачi й розподшу електрично! енергп споживачам. Представленi результата надають можливють зменшити похибку прогнозування попиту на електричну енерпю при врахуванш фактору випадковосл сощальних процешв.Alternate :Purpose. Taking into account the factor of randomness of social processes when forecasting the demand for electric energy to reduce the error. Methodology. Apparatus of mathematical statistics, linear programming methods, fuzzy set theory and expert assessment methods, scale theory, Bayesian approach to forecasting models, computer modeling. Findings. The dynamics of consumption of electric energy for different periods of time is analyzed, the influence of the pandemic factor on the process of formation of demand for electric energy is established. A verbal-numerical scale has been developed for a comprehensive assessment of the impact on the demand for electric energy of such a complex social phenomenon as a pandemic. A model for forecasting the demand for electrical energy was formed using the Bayesian approach and an expert's assessment, which made it possible to use retrospective data on electrical energy consumption and take into account the uncertainty of the social factor influencing the pandemic. Originality. The model for forecasting the demand for electrical energy has been further developed, which, unlike others, takes into account the factor of randomness of social processes and a verbal-numerical scale, which makes it possible to reduce the error in predicting the consumption of electrical energy. Practic l value. The research results are useful for enterprises specializing in the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy to consumers. The presented results make it possible to reduce the error in forecasting the demand for electric energy, taking into account the factor of randomness of social processes.

Mining ; 2(1):86, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1818179


Dumping is one of the main unit operations of mining. Notwithstanding a long history of using large rear dump trucks in mining, little knowledge exists on the cascading behavior of the run-of-mine material during and after dumping. In order to better investigate this behavior, a method for generating high fidelity models (HFMs) of dump profiles was devised and investigated. This method involved using unmanned aerial vehicles with mounted cameras to generate photogrammetric models of dumps. Twenty-eight dump profiles were created from twenty-three drone flights. Their characteristics were presented and summarized. Four types of dump profiles were observed to exist. Factors that influence the determination of these profiles include the location of the truck relative to the dump crest, the movement of the underlying dump material during the dumping process and the differences in the dump profile prior to dumping. The HFMs created in this study could possibly be used for calibrating computer simulations of dumps to better match reality.

Réalités Industrielles ; : 13-16,77,83-84, 2022.
Article Dans Français | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1787356


Les industries culturelles et créatives (ICCs) constituent un véritable levier pour le développement économique des pays et contribuent à promouvoir la créativité des sociétés et à offrir des opportunités pour imaginer de nouveaux futurs. Avant de donner un aperçu global des ICCs, il est important d'avoir conscience de leur hétérogénéité eu égard à leur taille, leur secteur d'activité, leur situation géographique et aux cadres de gouvernance dans lesquels elles évoluent. Les ICCs sont aujourd'hui traversées par de profondes transformations mettant à mal leur développement, voire, pour certaines, leur pérennité. La pandémie de Covid-19 a bouleversé le secteur culturel à travers les mesures sanitaires mises en place pour ralentir la propagation du coronavirus. Cette crise a également induit une accélération du poids des plateformes numériques, avec l'émergence de pratiques culturelles alternatives ébranlant de façon structurelle la chaÎne de valeur des ICCs, qui, pour certaines, n'en tirent guère profit. Face à ces défis, il est indispensable d'oeuvrer à la création d'un environnement propice à la créativité, à l'innovation artistique et à la diversité des expressions culturelles, tout en accompagnant au mieux la transition numérique du secteur et en protégeant les libertés fondamentales.Alternate :The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) constitute a real lever for the economic development of countries and contribute to promoting the creativity of societies and offering opportunities to imagine new futures. Before giving a global overview of CCIs, it is important to be aware of their heterogeneity with regard to their size, their sector of activity, their geographical location and the governance frameworks in which they evolve. Today, CCIs are undergoing profound transformations that are challenging their development and, for some, their sustainability. The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the cultural sector through the sanitary measures put in place to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. This crisis has also led to an increase in the weight of digital platforms, with the emergence of alternative cultural practices structurally shaking the value chain of the CCIs, some of which hardly benefit from it. Faced with these challenges, it is essential to work towards the creation of an environment conducive to creativity, artistic innovation and the diversity of cultural expressions, while providing the best possible support to the sector's digital transition and protecting fundamental freedoms.The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) constitute a real lever for the economic development of countries and contribute to promoting the creativity of societies and offering opportunities to imagine new futures. Before giving a global overview of CCIs, it is important to be aware of their heterogeneity with regard to their size, their sector of activity, their geographical location and the governance frameworks in which they evolve. Today, CCIs are undergoing profound transformations that are challenging their development and, for some, their sustainability. The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the cultural sector through the sanitary measures put in place to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. This crisis has also led to an increase in the weight of digital platforms, with the emergence of alternative cultural practices structurally shaking the value chain of the CCIs, some of which hardly benefit from it. Faced with these challenges, it is essential to work towards the creation of an environment conducive to creativity, artistic innovation and the diversity of cultural expressions, while providing the best possible support to the sector's digital transition and protecting fundamental freedoms.

Dyna ; 89(220):72-80, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1776713


This article presents the findings of an unsupervised field study conducted over 31 days in Argentina and Cuba in order to explore mobile QoE. We also analyzed the correspondence between the objective observations and users’ opinions to identify contextual conditions that could have influenced the study’s results. Using their own mobile devices in everyday contexts, 95 users from Argentina and Cuba interacted with CovidInfo app, thereby recording values for eight objective metrics as well as their opinions. The total data set collected consisted of 41,144 records. Analysis of the CovidInfo application yielded positive QoE results in both countries, as 88% and 70% of the objective metrics in Argentina and Cuba, respectively, were optimal. The main difference between the two countries is the type of connection: In Argentina, WiFi networks are predominant, while the trend in Cuba is mobile data connections. Alternate : Este artículo presenta los hallazgos de un estudio de campo no supervisado realizado durante 31 días en Argentina y Cuba con el fin de explorar la QoE móvil. También analizamos la correspondencia entre las observaciones objetivas y las opiniones de los usuarios para identificar las condiciones contextuales que podrían haber influido en los resultados del estudio. Utilizando sus propios dispositivos móviles en contextos cotidianos, 95 usuarios de Argentina y Cuba interactuaron con la app CovidInfo, registrando así los valores de ocho métricas objetivas, así como sus opiniones. El conjunto total de datos recopilados consistió en 41.144 registros. El análisis de la aplicación CovidInfo arrojó resultados positivos de QoE en ambos países, ya que el 88% y el 70% de las métricas objetivas en Argentina y Cuba, respectivamente, fueron óptimas. La principal diferencia entre los dos países es el tipo de conexión: en Argentina predominan las redes WiFi, mientras que la tendencia en Cuba son las conexiones de datos móviles.

Minerals ; 12(3):349, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1760781


Carbon capture is among the most sustainable strategies to limit carbon dioxide emissions, which account for a large share of human impact on climate change and ecosystem destruction. This growing threat calls for novel solutions to reduce emissions on an industrial level. Carbon capture by amorphous solids is among the most reasonable options as it requires less energy when compared to other techniques and has comparatively lower development and maintenance costs. In this respect, the method of carbon dioxide adsorption by solids can be used in the long-term and on an industrial scale. Furthermore, certain sorbents are reusable, which makes their use for carbon capture economically justified and acquisition of natural resources full and sustainable. Clay minerals, which are a universally available and versatile material, are amidst such sorbents. These materials are capable of interlayer and surface adsorption of carbon dioxide. In addition, their modification allows to improve carbon dioxide adsorption capabilities even more. The aim of the review is to discuss the prospective of the most widely available clay minerals in the Baltic States for large-scale carbon dioxide emission reduction and to suggest suitable approaches for clay modification to improve carbon dioxide adsorption capacity.

Minerals ; 12(2):269, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1715564


Microplastics (MPs) are considered an important stratigraphic indicator, or ‘technofossils’, of the Anthropocene. Research on MP abundance in the environment has gained much attention but the lack of a standardized procedure has hindered the comparability of the results. The development of an effective and efficient method of MP extraction from the matrix is crucial for the proper identification and quantifying analysis of MPs in environmental samples. The procedures of density separation used currently have various limitations: high cost of reagents, limited solution density range, hazardous reagents, or a combination of the above. In this research, a procedure based on density separation with the use of potassium formate water solution (H2O/KCOOH) in controlled conditions was performed. Experimental sediment mixtures, spiked with polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS), polyurethane (PUR) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) particles were prepared and an extraction procedure was tested in the context of a weight-based quantitative analysis of MPs. This article discusses the effectiveness and safety of the method. It additionally provides new information on the interactions between MP particles and the mineral matter of the sediment. Results were acquired with the use of instrumental methods, namely thermogravimetry (TG), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Field Emission Scanning Electron microscopy and Energy Dispersive spectrometry (SEM/EDS), as well as X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis.

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